Monday, 5 July 2010

Tweets & Kindles

Half way through Neuromancer and it already feels like something special. One thing I am noticing is that as I read the book things jump out at me like plot ideas I've seen in earlier and later works by other authors. By the time I reach the end of the book I will have forgotten most of these and my review will be a general impression. Should I try and tweet the next one I read to give my impressions as I go along? It would give the advantage of being able to speculate about how things will unfold. I might try it for The Reality Disfunction. It will help me keep track of all the plot threads.

Instead of buying a hefty copy of The Reality Disfunction I thought about getting an e-book reader. The amazon Kindle appeals to me the most because it is lighter and cheaper than the iPad and my eyes would appreciate the liquid ink technology. I checked into which titles were available. It is extremely patchy. If you want to read Frankenstein you're OK. Titles like Asimov's Foundation series are there. And not much else. No Alastair Reynolds for example. Now I know that Reynolds is out on e-book but will the format be OK on a Kindle? Also, not all Kindle books are available in the UK. For now I don't think I'm going to take the plunge. It's a shame because it's no trouble for a publisher to convert their PDFs into a e-books. The delay must be in the deals being made between the publishers and the device makers. Boo!

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